Five recipes for cleaning chicken

Cleaning chicken is an essential skill that everyone who seeks to learn to cook must master. It is not possible to cook chicken without cleaning it, removing its sigh and getting rid of its smell, and housewives usually pass on some recipes that they try and be successful in cleaning chicken, so we will present in this article the most prominent of those recipes that Proven to be effective in cleaning chickens.
Cleaning chicken with flour
Flour is characterized by its ability to remove the sigh of chicken and to use it, you can follow the following instructions:

Wash the chicken well, inside and out, and remove any excess pieces.
Rub the chicken well with two tablespoons of flour with one tablespoon of salt.
Wash the chicken to clean it of flour.
In a suitable bowl, mix 1 tablespoon of salt with 1/4 cup of white vinegar.
Add to the mixture half a lemon without peeling or squeezing it.
After the time is up, wash the chicken with vinegar and salt.
Cleaning chicken with tomatoes
Tomatoes can be used to clean chicken by following the following instructions:

Wash the chicken on all sides, and remove the excess parts.
In a suitable bowl, mix the juice of two tomatoes with a tablespoon of salt and the juice of one lemon.
Rub the chicken with the mixture, and let it marinate for 15 minutes.
Wash the chicken to clear it of the tomato mixture.
Cleaning chicken with lemon
Lemon is one of the best recipes that can be applied to clean chicken and get rid of its sigh. To use it, you can follow the following instructions:

Wash the chicken on all sides, and remove the excess parts.
In a suitable bowl, pour the juice of two lemons, and add the peel of the two lemons as well.
Soak the chicken in the bowl for 15 minutes.
Wash the chicken from the mixture after the end of the soaking period.
Cleaning chicken with turmeric
Turmeric can be used to clean chicken by following the following instructions:

Wash the chicken well and remove the excess parts.
In a suitable bowl, mix 1 tablespoon of salt with 1 teaspoon of turmeric.
Add a teaspoon of black pepper with a tablespoon of vinegar.
Rub the chicken with the mixture, and let it marinate for 15 minutes.
Wash the chicken to clean it off the mixture after the end of the period.
Cleaning chicken with baking soda
Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) can be used to clean many things in the house, including chicken. To use it, you can follow the following instructions:

Rinse the chicken well and cut it into thin slices to make this recipe more effective in cleaning the chicken and getting a tender chicken.
Rub the chicken strips with a teaspoon of baking soda.
Fry the chicken strips with baking soda until completely covered.
Put the chicken in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes.
Wash the chicken to remove the baking soda from it before you start cooking it.