Old Fashioned Banana Pudding

Ingredients: 1 cup sugar 1/2 cup all-purpose flour 1/2 teaspoon salt 2 cups milk (NOT skim) 4 or 5 ripe bananas, sliced thin (cover with plastic wrap or sprinkle with lemon juice to keep them from turning brown) 1 box…

Chopsuey Recipe

Chopsuey Recipe Why Chopsuey Recipe is so Popular? Chopsuey recipe is popular for several reasons. Firstly, it is a flavorful and healthy dish that is packed with a variety of vegetables and protein, making it a nutritious meal option. Secondly,…

Dorito Taco Salad

Dorito Taco Salad is the best potluck dish and always gets rave reviews! Loads of seasoned ground beef, veggies, beans and Doritos in a zesty dressing! Ingredients: 1 pound lean ground beef 1 packet taco seasoning ⅔ cup water 1…

Deli-Style Chicken Salad

When it comes to making the best chicken salad, the star of the show should always be the chicken. With that being said there are many additions you can make to this classic recipe that will make it just the…